Reciprocating Piston Air Compressors
20 HP Reciprocating Piston Air Compressors
20 HP

Reciprocating Piston Air Compressors
Two Stage Iron Series Duplex RCP Reciprocating Piston Compressor with 120 Gallon Tank
By Chicago Pneumatic
RCP Iron Series features start-stop pressure switch control, fully enclosed belt guard, discharge valve, and magnetic starter. Tank is both CRN and ASME certified and National Board Registered with a ASME certified safety valve on tanks and pumps.
20 HP

Reciprocating Piston Air Compressors
Two Stage Iron Series Duplex RCP Reciprocating Piston Compressor with 200 Gallon Tank
By Chicago Pneumatic
RCP Iron Series features start-stop pressure switch control, fully enclosed belt guard, discharge valve, and magnetic starter. Tank is both CRN and ASME certified and National Board Registered with a ASME certified safety valve on tanks and pumps.
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